Blow to TSC as Unemployed Teachers Fail to Apply for Recent Teaching Vacancies
Blow to TSC as Unemployed Teachers Fail to Apply for Recent Teaching Vacancies. According to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), talented teachers who are unemployed in the North East have been avoiding taking teaching positions there.
Before the National Assembly Education Committee on Tuesday, TSC CEO Nancy Macharia said that the Commission advertised 36,000 posts in December 2022 and hired 35,790 persons.
Which Areas Have Teachers Refused to Apply for TSC Jobs?
However, 210 teacher internship positions in the counties of Mandera, Wajir, and Garissa remain unfilled due to a lack of applicants.
She claimed that Mandera still has 174 unfilled positions, Wajir has 29, and Garissa has 7.
“The 210 open positions were advertised again in May 2023, but no one from the three regions applied,” claimed Macharia.
“We’ve even spoken with the authorities, written to the states, and published notices in the media and online. Everything that needed to be done has been completed.
Even though the Commission had posted job ads, the Committee had inquired as to why the positions were remained unfilled.
Why do techies ignore these regions?
According to Macharia, in certain regions there isn’t much job security and the working circumstances aren’t great, so teachers are reluctant to accept internships.
Terrorists have frequently struck the Northeast region throughout the years. As a result, the delocalization scheme has drawn criticism and some teachers have perished.
The TSC began implementing the delocalization program in 2018, however it was abandoned after a suggestion from Titus Khamala, a Lurambi MP.
The House then advised that to prevent further assaults on foreign teachers, trained teachers from terror-prone regions should be stationed there.
According to Macharia, the Commission lacks the funds to hire enough teachers to close the deficit.
MPs announced that they would contact Interior Secretary Kithure Kindiki to discuss the unrest in the region’s northeast.
We must be prepared to handle this scenario as a team, which is crucial. To address the issue of risk in North Eastern and protect teachers, the committee advised calling a meeting of the CS for internal security.
The Ministry of Internal Security can make people unhappy about insecurity, especially our instructors, because TSC might not have a way out.
When there are openings, the Commission, according to Macharia, tries to maintain instructors in their preferred subcounty. This will cut down on moving expenses and fix the issue.
The CEO reiterated that anyone who wishes to apply may do so.
Extended application deadlines In these areas
But according to Macharia, “The Commission has been extending deadlines on affirmative action and re-advertising the positions many times” to encourage residents of the region to apply.
“Among other things, anyone who wants to attend North Eastern must submit an application and agree to serve for three years.”
In order to address the teacher deficit in junior secondary schools, the Commission located 8,367 eligible primary school teachers and sent them there.
Additionally, according to Macharia, the JSS deployment application portal is still active, and qualified teachers are welcome to submit an application and be constantly deployed.