In an effort to fill the country’s teacher shortfall, the Teachers Service Commission ,TSC, has hired 30,550 teachers mostly those with diplomas and Degrees to Junior Secondary School in amidst of introduction of Grade Seven. Even after hiring 30,550 teachers still there was a shortage recorded.
The new positions for training to teach junior secondary school were announced by the commission last year. Plans for training were set to be conducted from January to April. The main aim of the training is for retooling the teacher’s skills in accordance to CBC requirements.
The Teachers Service Commission recently announced 30,550 open positions, of which 9,00 were for permanent positions with pension benefits and 21,550 were for internships.
According to TSC, all 30,550 newly hired teachers will work in junior secondary schools. Which is set in approved primary schools equipped to provide Grade Seven education.
Following the conclusion of the commission-directed document verification process, the recruitment exercise is still going on in the sub-counties. The chosen candidates filled out employment applications.
The amount that the intern junior secondary school teacher will take home at the end of the month has, however, become a major source of anxiety. Since everyone needs a payment at the end of the day, intern teachers also were of anxiety to know their salary scale.
Intern Junior Secondary School Teachers will receive a monthly salary of Ksh 20,000 before any applicable deductions are made, in accordance with the payment structure of the Teachers Service Commission.
The sub-county Teachers Service Commission office must receive the bank plate of newly hired intern junior secondary school teachers as well as any other necessary documentation.
According to the Teachers Service Commission’s regulation, each grade 7 class must have one teacher at a minimum. But in some schools with high population requires more than one teacher so as to accommodate learners comfortably and effectively.