Jubilation to P1 Teachers Deployed to JSS
Jubilation to P1 Teachers Deployed to JSS. After the national budget has been read, primary school teachers who have been assigned to junior secondary school (JSS) will begin receiving their salary in arrears.
Only a small portion of the teachers received pay this month, although there were no arrears.
The first cohorts, who submitted their applications by February 6, 2023, were sent to junior secondary schools once their documents had been validated by their Sub County Directors and they had received letters of deployment.
The graduate teachers’ deployment (posting) letters indicated that they would begin at job group C2, where they would get a gross wage of ksh 58,335 per month.
TSC reported that it has received 10,833 requests for deployment of qualified primary school teachers to junior secondary schools in a circular dated February 17, 2023.
Only 7,400 eligible teachers, nevertheless, were assigned to begin working with students in grade 7.
TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia offered explicit instructions to Sub County Directors and Primary Headteachers when releasing and receiving teachers in order to expedite payment for the deployed teachers.
“The County Directors shall begin publishing on the publishing, Entry/ Exit Reports Module to the Sub-County as soon as the instructors are deployed to JSS. The instructors would be posted to JSS by the Sub-County Director, according to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia in the circular.
She instructed Heads of Institution (HOI) releasing the instructors to exit them as soon as possible by submitting Exit Reports so that the Head of Institution receiving them can submit the Entry Report.
She stated that all of these procedures must be carried out online using the Posting, Entry/Exit Reports Module because the Commission no longer accepts or handles paper copy casualties.
“Where the teacher is retained in the same station, the Head of Institution shall exit the teacher from primary school and submit Entry Report for the JSS,” stated Macharia.
However, information about how some teachers received junior secondary teaching approvals without the necessary paperwork has come to light.
Details revealed that some teachers were deployed despite not meeting the TSC qualifications to teach in junior secondary.
As a result, the Commission began physically reviewing the documents for the teachers who had been stationed at its Nairobi headquarters in Upper Hill.
The Commission verified the authenticity of the application-related documents to make sure they weren’t fakes.
According to the TSC, anyone found guilty will face discipline in accordance with the teacher code of conduct.
Document verification at the corporate office typically takes two to three months.
The second batch of PTE teachers in practice, whose applications were due on March 22, 2023, have not yet been deployed by TSC to junior secondary schools.
After receiving application lists from the Commission, TSC Sub County Directors will simultaneously verify documents and post them.
Primary school teachers in work group C1 are the most often deployed teachers, followed by those in job group B5.
Salary for a deployed C2 teacher
- Basic salary 34,955
- House allowance (other areas) 7,500
- Hardship 10,900
- Commuter 5,000
- Leave(paid only in January) 6,000