KUPPET urged tsc to consider the termination year against the wishes of the parliament members. The Kenya Union of Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has called on Members of Parliament and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to give priority to long-term unemployed teachers. time from recent graduates.
This comes a few days after the President’s task force on education reform ordered the TSC to hire an additional 30,000 teachers for the junior high school category.
Speaking to the media, KUPPET chairman Omboko Milemba said this is the only way to ensure fairness in the recruitment of teachers.
This came after MPs asked the TSC to hire teachers to count the local population. This is not fair for Omboko and he now wants TSC to consider teachers who have been unemployed for a long time since graduation.
KUPPET urged tsc to consider the termination year against the wishes of the parliament members.
Members of Parliament are protesting about vacancies in the Department of Education, it has emerged.
The MPs called for a meeting with all the unemployed teachers in their constituencies the day after the TSC announced the recruitment drive.
The MP urged the unemployed teachers to retrieve their academic documents saying the meeting would be attended by TSC officials and political leaders.
Kabete Member of Parliament James Githua Kamau has called for a meeting of teachers in his constituency on Tuesday, December 13.
A few days after the TSC announcement.
Githua said: “Hon Githua Wamacukuru Kabete Constituency MP, with the Kabete District Teachers Service Office, invites all unemployed teachers in Kabete to primary and secondary schools.” Bring your P1 and TSC certificates and a copy of your KTP as proof. The committee will be attended by the district TSC director and members of the regional assembly. ”
Baringo Central Member of Parliament Joshua Kandi said the recruitment of teachers will now be done in a unique way, TSC will work with members of parliament and aim to eliminate middlemen and corrupt officials who sell it.
“Members of parliament have and will have more names of candidates through their offices to present to the TSC,” he said.
Kandie said the training will be based on the priority of early university and college graduates.
Member of the DPR Kiharu Ndindi Nyoro, Chairman of the Budget and Budget Committee, in a letter dated December 9, 2022 invited unemployed teachers in his constituency to attend the meeting on December 9, 2022.
”In our journey to serve the people of Kiharu, we try to consult and listen. Today we met with stakeholders from the education sector, many of them are TSC registered teachers, “he said. We must be ready to complete the efforts of TSC and GoK.”