KUCCPS KCSE English Grade To Determine University Course Placement
KUCCPS KCSE English Grade To Determine University Course Placement. It is now obvious that students who desire to enroll in mathematics-related courses must have obtained a minimum KCSE score of C (plain) in either English or Kiswahili.
However, the C+ (plus) admission grade for university will remain unchanged under this new strategy. This grade will have a significant impact on how some disciplines, like;
- computer science
- ICT, statistics
- Economics
- Finance
In order to follow one’s intended course, several disciplines are necessary.
In the past, a student’s placement in a course was completely based on how well they did in the subject of mathematics.
The most recent changes stipulate that students must also be proficient in either English or Kiswahili in order to be eligible for placement under government sponsorship.
The university authorities’ suggestion might be a way to guarantee that applicants to the agriculture, building, and construction programs have graduate-level communication abilities.
The aim is that this criteria will also be used as a determining factor for a number of education courses that have been made simpler.
Education stakeholders have suggested decreasing the prerequisite for Biology, Physics, or Chemistry for students seeking a Bachelor of Science with Education from a C+ (plus) to a C. (basic).
As a result, stakeholders claim that having a background in mathematics is no longer required to pursue a bachelor’s degree in education.
For admission, students will just need to have a C (plain) kcse mean grade in either English or Kiswahili.
Students interested in environmental sciences will now have a wider selection of subjects to chose from when applying to universities thanks to the addition of Geography as an alternative to Chemistry and Agricultural as an alternative to Biology.
The changes are considered as providing a softer landing because when the results of the national Exams are released, many students typically fare better in Agriculture and Geography than in Mathematics and Chemistry.