TSC New Mechanism for Breaking a Tie in Post Primary Intern Interviews
TSC New Mechanism for Breaking a Tie in Post Primary Intern Interviews. In order to guarantee fair and open interview selection procedures, the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) has devised a unique procedure to address ties.
The TSC uses a series of criteria to break ties and choose the applicant who is most qualified for the post when two or more applicants have comparable scores or qualifications.
This article explores the mechanism used by the TSC to break ties during interviews.
A) Preference for Applicants from Respective Sub-Counties and Counties.
The TSC gives applicants from the relevant sub-counties and counties priority where there is a tie between candidates.
This strategy guarantees an inclusive selection process and seeks to equally share opportunities across regions.
The TSC encourages local representation and community involvement in the education sector by giving preference to candidates from the same sub-county or county where the opening is located.
B) The period of time since graduation.
The TSC takes the length of stay since graduation into account if the tie cannot be broken based on sub-county or county preferences.
Candidates who stayed longer after finishing their studies are rewarded under this criterion.
C) Academic and professional credentials of high quality
The caliber of the candidates’ submitted academic and professional qualifications is another essential element that the TSC takes into account when breaking a tie.
This criterion comprises a review of the candidate’s educational background, professional credentials, and other noteworthy accomplishments.
The TSC seeks to choose individuals who exhibit a high degree of competence and skill in their respective sectors by giving preference to applicants with excellent academic and professional credentials.
D) Exclusion of Previous Participants in Commission Work or Teacher Internship Programs
The TSC disqualifies candidates who have previously taken part in a teacher internship program or worked for the Commission in order to ensure a fair selection process.
This requirement stops people who have already been given opportunities inside the TSC system from unfairly getting an edge in later interviews.
The TSC promotes equal opportunity for all qualified candidates by putting into effect this exclusion, regardless of whether they have previously worked with the Commission.